How and why do we react to conflict?

We provide individuals and groups the necessary tools to
effectively transform interpersonal conflicts

We provide individuals and groups the necessary tools to effectively transform interpersonal conflicts

Betta Fish
Young Woman with head in her hands
For Individuals

What actions could we take to improve our current situation and/or relationships?

Services include one-on-one conflict management coaching, employment disputes management, and transformative facilitation.

For Organizations

How can we communicate our interests to others and understand theirs?

Services include conflict management workshops and training, and communication-intensive circles.

Fists coming together in a circle

Shai Tamari

Shai Tamari, Founder and President of Tamari Conflict Management, is uniquely positioned to help transform interpersonal conflicts. His personal and professional experiences have positioned him to create and hold spaces for different beliefs and belief systems, and to understand group dynamics and adapt to them. He leads by example: If he wishes for others to “open up” and be vulnerable, he knows he must first do so himself. This approach has taught him the value of positive-motivation leadership, encouraging others to take steps to improve themselves and the team from the foundation of his example.

Shai Tamari